Blogging as an Outlet

Our 21st Century classroom has evolved so much that blogging may be a tool that can be used not so much for interaction with the students directly, but with parents or guardians. Many times we as teachers have difficulty communicating with parents and so we can use the blog as an outlet to keep them informed as to what is happening with their children. We can use it to make posts of homework assignments and also have a forum for parents to ask questions that may be necessary. Notices of upcoming activities may also be presented here and so it eliminates the occurrence of messages not being passed on.

Students in upper grades can use blogging as a communication tool between classmates, especially when assignments are given in groups. It is very necessary for students to be able to have practice in writing the standard form of the language and this medium will only improve those skills.

Blogs may also be used as a forum for collaboration between teachers where they can share ideas and strategies for teaching concepts to children in different ways. Support is often needed among colleagues and having a platform where information can be readily shared is needed. This outlet proves to be the platform to allow that to happen.

Blogging allows for endless possibilities, the only left for us to do is explore those possibilities!


  1. Great ideas for using a blog, parents will indeed be kept informed

  2. Good idea Lauricia. I like the ways that you would involve the parents as well as students in the use of blogs. It will be very informative and interactive. Well Done!
