Monday 25 November 2013


       I am sure that we can all agree that to successfully complete any task we all have to have a plan. With that said, I must share my experience with using the ASSURE Model Lesson Plan. If you've ever had to plan for classes, and if you're a teacher it means everyday, then this is just for you. The ASSURE model breaks lesson planning down into subsections that are easy to follow and with enough practice, this will become quite easy to do.

The acronym ASSURE stands for
A- analyse learners. Really think about who your students are and how they learn best.

S- state objectives. Say what the students will learn in particular lessons using the curriculum as a guide.

S- select media and materials. Based on your objectives, decide what materials are best suited for your              lesson and how you will get what you need to across effectively.

U- utilise media and materials. Whatever you would have identified in the previous step, make sure to use          effectively here(kinda like keeping tabs on yourself as you teach).

R- require learner participation. Thinking? Solving? Creating? Developing? Analysing? These are all the things that your students can do during a lesson. Get them involved in their learning!!

E- evaluate and revise. This step is very important as it allows you to see just where your students are and          how you will move forward with the class. Will you need to go over or can you move on?

6 Steps and your lesson is complete, It's as easy as ASSURE!!!

       A great way to make your lesson come alive is by making use of Windows movie maker. Before my course I had no clue or interest in using this tool and now, although not quite a professional, I think I can do a thing or two. Movie maker allows you to create itemised movies for your students for any lesson of your choice. Of course you won't be able to show a movie every lesson but once you get the hang of using the movie maker tool, you won't want to stop.

      Just so that you can see how simple it is, here's a video I made using movie maker (I'm so excited). I combined pictures of the parts of the flower that I wanted to highlight with a video I found on youtube which I further edited it to only the parts that I needed.

I'm no professional like I said before, but if I can do it, then you definitely can, so just get up, get creative and try it for yourself!!

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