Monday 30 September 2013

Well Done!

I had the chance to view your blog posts and I must say that they were very detailed  concerning your reflections on what you learnt in class. Also I recognized that you have already completed each task given by Mrs Roberts. Good Job!!  Sweetie your page design was simply adorable. However, I thought that your reflections were a little lengthy although details are good maybe you could try to summarize a bit so that your viewers are able to quickly browse through without spending to much time on one post. Overall good job quiet creative and interesting ideas and information.

My Contribution

Hola Lauricia,

I enjoyed viewing your blog. Great diagrams, topic use and insights .....well appreciated. Keep up the good work and I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your thoughts and experiences.



Really impressive blog. I really enjoyed looking at your information. Your outlines and reflections were well thought out. Just a bit wordy in some areas, but overall a splendid effort

Nuff Respect 

Sunday 22 September 2013

The Ins and Outs

Week three has successfully ended and as is the norm in this class information flowed freely. It is so natural that it's barely even noticed how much information is delivered and received. We covered two aspects of the computer this week,  the hardware and the software devices.

As was discussed, hardware devices are all the components of the computer that we can see and touch. They are the physical parts of the computer. On the other hand software devices are those programs that help the hardware devices to complete tasks. Hardware and software must work together in order to have full and successful usage.
Neither hardware or software can be used on its own, they must work together to make the computer a device worth using, and it is definitely worth using.

As a side note, I must draw reference to the method of instruction used, it was awesome... My mind keeps wondering back to my own classroom and I get more excited at the possibilities that are yet to be explored. As an icebreaker we identified using sticky notes the hardware devices on the computers in the classroom and I proudly say that it was so much fun. I felt like such a kid at all the excitement that was happening that day. It just tells me more and more that technology in classes can help students to discover their own surroundings if we only give them the chance!!

Saturday 14 September 2013

Lights, Projector,Present!!!

If you haven't noticed already, my blog entries are entirely reflective on my classes. What can I say, it definitely helps to say the things you learn, it helps them to stick where they should. 
This weeks advice definitely would be "Don't be afraid to try the things you never have before". It is often quite daunting to be faced with a task and have no idea how to start, much more to get it completed. When that happens to you, don't be afraid to ask for help. 

Advances in technology happen everyday and that means that you will never stop learning something new. If you aren't quite sure about using a computer or making a presentation in your class don't be scared. Children love seeing things on a big screen, so this week I learned how to make a power point presentation and if you haven't done it already prepare a lesson just your own and create a power point presentation to teach it. The objective of this exercise is to see for yourself hands on that you can learn as you teach your students and the fact that technology does have a place in the modern classroom, in fact it MUST have one if we are going to effectively educate today's learner.

Every lesson won't mean you using a slide show, or making a presentation with a projector, but every lesson should use some form of media that will stimulate every child in your class. There are many learning styles represented in your own classroom and although it might be impossible to meet all of them at once, every student should be engaged throughout your entire lesson. Take the time out to figure out how your students learn and then find ways to teach them effectively. If what we've been doing all along isn't working then it means that we need to make changes.

Don't be afraid to try the things you never have before, you'd be surprised at the results that that you get!!

I need a "MAP"

Have you ever felt like you needed a map to get back on track, or at least a compass to be guided in the right direction? I have to admit that that is where I am or where I was for the first two days of what is my life for the next 2 years. I stand corrected, the correct terminology for that(what I'm feeling I mean) would be that I am in a temporary state of disequilibrium. My options are to assimilate or to adapt, and I have think I am doing a little bit of both.

The transition from being the person giving all the homework (TEACHER) to the person receiving the homework(STUDENT) is very different. I guess this is where I see how my students feel, when every teacher they meet gives them homework that is due next class. Putting that aside, I get to the root of the matter at hand, the reason this blog was created; TECHNOLOGY!!!

Educational technology is a wide field that may include many definitions. During my search the definition I found is suitable is; Educational technology can be considered as a collection of different research interests addressing fundamental issues of learning, teaching and social organization. Technology on its own can defined as the systematic application of scientific knowledge to practical tasks. Therefore, educational technology is based on theoretical knowledge drawn from different disciplines (communication, education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, artificial intelligence, computer science, etc.) plus experiential knowledge drawn from educational practice. It aims to improve education. Technology should facilitate the learning processes and increase performance of the educational system(s) as it regards to effectiveness and/or efficiency.

Teaching and learning can be so much fun and so easy if only we'd use the mediums that are available to us. There is a wealth of knowledge to be offered to eager minds who learn in different ways and all those styles and needs can be catered to if changes are made.

Take a look at the the technology map below and lets see if it makes sense, then you can take some time to see if this would work in your classroom...

                                        Global Connections 
                                                Learning          Symbols  
                                                         \             /
                                Creativity <----Technology ----> Storing information 
                                                       /            \
                                                   Tool         Media/Medium
                                                               Resource Persons 
                                                                    Visual aids 

If you aren't quite sure what it's saying then here it is explained; 
1. Technology is or should be the main component 
2. Technology can be viewed as a tool for creativity which promotes learning with the use of symbols and is a wonderful storage option(no more walking around with piles and piles of notebooks)
3. Technology can be used with other mediums, therefore making the learning process so much easier.

Since we've been talking about learning and how the use of technology makes it easier to learn, it is a good idea to understand how students learn. I took a learning quiz that evaluated my learning styles and have included the link ( to the website and my own results.  

Below is an example of a power point presentation that I created to use in a class. You can try creating your own and adapt it to the needs of your students.

If you haven't started as yet and you aren't quite sure how to start using technology in your classroom, we'll get into much later as I continue to make posts. In the mean time there has to be a youtube video for that. There's a youtube video for just about everything, think outside your norms and get Techno edified with me.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Hola, Ciao, Ni hao... Hello!!!!

In our ever changing world, technology and all things technological are the new norm. In my blog I will explore perspectives on educating today's child with the incorporation of technology in the classroom of educators today. Feel free to leave a comment and make suggestions on how things can be done, and we can collaborate and share ideas.

The ultimate idea here is using the technologies available to modernise our classrooms to make teaching and learning more effective. Don't be strangers and make sure you share a word or two!!